Our Values

We are dedicated to improving the lives of every individual: mind, body, & spirit. Our values are guiding principles derived from timeless wisdom.

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Devotional service

"Seva" (Selfless service in devotion to others) is the voluntary and selfless act of service guided by the principle of giving without expectation, fostering a sense of compassion and interconnectedness within the community. In teaching Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness classes, we are not just sharing our knowledge but actively engaging in devotional service, contributing our time and energy to benefit others without anticipating personal gain, thus embodying the true spirit of selfless service. Selfless service is an essential part of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion of the heart, emphasizing the profound connection between this selfless service and spiritual devotion.

Spiritual community

One of the last shlokas of the Rg Veda (10.191.2) says “walk together, and let others walk with you, talk together, and let others talk with you, think together and let others think with you.” In this way we work together to form a more just and peaceful society, in harmony with ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors.

Practice: The Eight Limbs of Patanjali

Yama - Restraints of behavior 
Niyama - Behavioral observances 
Asana - Physical Postures
Pranayama - Breath Control
Pratyahara - Sense withdrawal
Dharana - Concentration
Dhyana - Meditation
Samadhi - Absorption


Our intention as an organization and the reason we exist is “improve the lives of every individual: mind, body, & spirit” our goal for our students is to “introduce them to a calm, peaceful, and quiet environment within themselves.” This intention must remain at the forefront of our efforts and a guiding force in our decision making process.

Spiritual Purpose

Four Yogas: Humans are here to love one another and to share with each other. Yogic wisdom is for all who are prepared to receive it. Each individual engages with their spiritual purpose in a unique way. The four Yogas described in the ancient texts are deeply insightful into the way in which we offer love, service, and education to ourselves and our world.

  • Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Action
  • Bhakti Yoga: The Yoga of Devotion
  • Raja Yoga: The Yoga of Sadhana
  • Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Knowledge

The Keys of Yoga

Patanjali described the way in which practitioners of Yoga should engage with the world at large. 

  • Cultivating friendliness and goodwill towards those who are happy.
  • Expressing compassion and empathy towards those who are suffering.
  • Feeling joy and happiness in response to the success and good fortune of others.
  • Maintaining equanimity and a sense of detachment in the face of challenges or the success of others.

Yoga - Union with Divinity

The word Yoga describes both a practice and the end goal of that practice. The singular, Universal pure conscious awareness is the absolute reality described in Vedic wisdom. We seek to find harmony with nature in order to create a more peaceful environment within and without. Inspired by this peace, we turn our attention inward in search of the innermost Truth. Through the practice of Yoga we gain direct experience of this Truth and ultimately union with it.